Application Procedure

Performing Arts: The Foundation is currently receiving applications for 2025 funding; the submission deadline is November 1, 2024. The Foundation will consider applications for project specific support or general operating support.

Please email the following to

1. Two page letter (minimum of 12 point font and 1 inch margins) signed by the Executive Director including the following information:

a. A brief description of the organization.

b. For specific project support: A brief description of the project for which funding is sought.

For general operating support: A brief description of your most important programs.

c. A statement as to why the project is important or what need your work addresses.

2. Application form (Download here)

3. Budget including expenses and anticipated sources of revenue.

Health and Human Services: The Foundation will accept applications by invitation only. The Foundation will contact you with details about application materials and deadline.

Education: The Foundation’s education funding is committed to our Kids in the Middle Initiative. The Foundation is not accepting applications for education projects at this time.

If the application is accepted for further consideration, a site visit may be scheduled by Foundation staff.

We are unable to receive personal presentations. Unless told otherwise, we will feel free to contact anyone involved in your organization for additional information. The entire process may require up to four months.