How often does the Foundation Board meet?
The Board meets to review applications 3 times a year.
How should I send my completed application?
Click the apply button above and fill out the requested information
How will I know that you’ve received my application?
You will receive an e-mail confirming receipt and advising you of approximate timing for Trustee review of the application.
Does the Foundation meet with the requesting organizations?
Upon occasion the Foundation will meet with an organization once an application is in process. Foundation staff will arrange this meeting. We do not meet prior to receiving an application.
When will I learn when a decision has been made about my application?
You will receive a determination letter within 3 months of the Foundation meeting. During this period we may also request additional information or a site visit. Please do not call the Foundation office about a possible decision as we do not give this kind of information over the telephone.
Can you tell me why our application did not receive funding?
Because of the number of applications the Foundation receives, we are not able to fund all the worthwhile projects that are submitted. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide individual critiques of applications even if it does appear that an application fulfills the Foundation’s priorities.
When can we re-apply?
We request a wait of at least one year between application submissions regardless of whether you have been funded in the past.